Resident Webinar – Frequently Asked Questions

Should you wish to view or download the slide deck used for the resident webinar, please click the button above.

Should residents require any material previously issued in any other language, please do email feedback@consultation-online.co.uk and we would be happy to assist.


1. Are the new resident parking spaces replacing underutilised Tesco spaces?
The new resident car parking spaces will be in a separate part of the development to the Tesco parking spaces. A transport and parking survey was carried out as part of this proposal, which provided the project team with an evidence-based indication of the number of car parking spaces that should be provided for the Tesco store.
2. Are there too many flats and not enough parking spaces?

A transport and parking survey was carried out as part of this proposal, which provided the project team with an indication of the number of car parking spaces that should be provided for the new development. Based on the assessments that have been carried out and due to the existing transport infrastructure in the area, Notting Hill Genesis believes that the provision of 900 cycle spaces and improved pedestrian access in the area, the parking provision for both Tesco and the residential development is sufficient.

Residential car parking is being provided in line with planning policy, which does not permit all flats to have access to a parking space. This is due to the site being located in an accessible location with regards to public transport services and connectivity and aligns with targets set by the Mayor of London.

Car club bays are to be provided on-site that would allow residents without access to a car to rent a car when required.

3. How many disabled parking spaces will be provided?

Within the new Tesco store, 18 blue badge spaces will be provided. Within the residential element of the scheme, 18 disability compliant spaces will be delivered.

4. How many parking spaces will be available during construction?

A temporary car park, which will hold c.206 car parking spaces, will be provided for Tesco customers during the construction of the new store.

5. Where will residents park if there are limited parking spaces?

Notting Hill Genesis has commissioned surveys and assessments to judge the level of parking required. Even at peak time and given the anticipated reduction of reliance on the private car in the future, the survey outcomes confirm that there should be enough car and cycle spaces to accommodate resident parking demand.

Residents without an allocated car parking space would not be eligible for an on-street parking permit within any of the surrounding Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ). Future residents without an allocated car parking space would be made aware of this prior to deciding to move into the development and would therefore be buying into the car-free lifestyle.

6. Where will visitors to the flats park?

Whilst there are no designated car parking spaces for visitors, there will be 77 visitor cycle parking spaces for anyone attending the residential units. The site is also well served by public transport and there will be improvements to the local pedestrian network as part of the scheme.

7. Will limited car parking space create problems for the area?

The development encourages alternative means of transport within the local area, such as walking, cycling and public transport, which is in line with London’s aim to improve air quality and reduce carbon emissions. The number of car parking spaces for Tesco and the residential units is well above guidance set by the Greater London Authority (GLA) and our parking demand surveys. This approach has been agreed as appropriate following conversations with Transport for London.

Parking within the surrounding area is currently controlled by a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ), which only allows permitted vehicles to park in these areas. We can confirm that following conversations with highways officers at the Council, no residents in the new development will be provided with a parking permit in any of the surrounding CPZ’s, decreasing the impact of the development on neighbouring roads.

Infrastructure and facilities

1. Are there guarantees for the construction of schools and medical facilities to accommodate the impact of the development?

As part of the proposal, the developers will agree to the S48 agreement, which is an obligation for any developers to make a financial contribution towards the local Council, in the hopes that the money will be used to improve local infrastructure. This money will be used as seen fit by the Council, who have outlined their spending priorities for the upcoming term.

2. Will there be additional doctors' surgeries, dentists, and school places to meet the needs of existing and new residents?

If the proposal for Greenmead Place were to be approved by the Council, then approximately £4.5 million of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) payments will be made to Harrow Council. This will be used to pay for community infrastructure identified by the Council, including education and healthcare facilities.

On top of this, with the introduction of new residential properties, Harrow Council will receive additional income from more residents paying Council tax and contributing towards the local economy.

3. Will the contribution to schools be enough?

With the payment of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and the additional revenue generated by more households paying council tax, evidence gathered by the project team points to this being sufficient to provide the additional income that local schools need to sustain the increase in population. This is further supported by the fact that schools generate income on a per pupil basis, which means that the more children in a local area, the more money the school(s) receive from central government.

4. What impact will the reduction of Tesco car park have on local businesses?

New residents and improved pedestrian amenities as part of the development will provide additional economic benefits to local businesses in Harrow.

5. What measures will be taken to reduce pollution and noise for surrounding schools?

The photovoltaic panels and air source heat pumps on the roofs will provide much of the energy needs of new residents and the new store. On top of this, the development will exceed the 35% mandatory reduction in carbon emission for building regulations and the GLA requirement for at least 10% of carbon emissions to be achieved through passive means. Finally, the Central Square Garden and large podium gardens will provide opportunities for urban greening, with areas of rich planting of shrubs and trees.

In regard to mitigation of noise pollution and other concerns, Notting Hill Genesis will only employ contractors who are part of the Considerate Constructors Scheme. This ensures the impact of the building works on local communities is minimised in terms of noise, dust, traffic, access, and hours of operation. Additionally, a construction management plan will have to be agreed with Council officers prior to construction taking place which will take into account the local schools and associated peak times.

Construction and Project Details

1. How long is the project expected to take, considering the likely disruption to nearby schools?

Subject to obtaining planning permission, Phase 1 of the development, which will contain all of the affordable provision, will take approximately 3 years to build, and Phase 2 of the development will follow. Additionally, a Construction Management Plan (CMP) will have to be agreed with Council officers prior to construction taking place. This plan will ensure that mitigation is in place against disruption to nearby buildings and facilities, including ensuring that attendees of the school are kept safe during construction.

2. Will the main roads be closed during the work?

Under the Construction Management Plan (CMP), the construction team will work with Harrow Council to establish which roads are allowed to be closed for the construction of the development and when. It is likely that neither main road will be completely closed by the construction team, and the CMP will ensure that works cause the least amount of disruption to local people.

3. How long will the work on the Hindes/Station RD junction take, and will both roads be closed during the work?

Currently, as we have yet to submit a planning application, we are yet to be in a position to provide this information, however, residents will be made aware of the programme of works being undertaken when this has been confirmed with Harrow Council.

4. What consultation will be done with local schools regarding noise and construction impact?

Further meetings will be organized between the school and the wider project team regarding the development side of the proposal, which will also include the introduction of the Construction Management Plan (CMP). The CMP will outline the way in which the construction team will build the development and cause the least amount of disruption to local stakeholders.

5. Will local schools be consulted regarding the building work and its impact?

Further meetings will be organized between the school and the wider project team regarding the development side of the proposal, which will also include the introduction of the Construction Management Plan (CMP). The CMP will outline the way in which the construction team will build the development and cause the least amount of disruption to local stakeholders.

Housing Demand and Affordability

1. Are there still demands for flats, including 1-2 bed flats, from locals in Harrow?

The Greater London Authority (GLA) and London Borough of Harrow have both produced evidence which demonstrates a need for this type of housing, both at affordable and market rates. Further to this, the proposals provide for three-bed family homes.

2. Will the design including brick colour, be improved and be of sufficient standard?

As part of the planning process, the team has had numerous meetings with planning officers at Harrow Council, in addition to the GLA and Harrow’s Design Review Panel to be reviewed by industry experts with positive feedback on the quality of the design and materials. The design will continue to be scrutinised throughout the planning process with planning officers.

The team’s objective is to deliver a high-quality, well-designed development that meets the housing needs of the area.

The brickwork is now proposed to be a mix of red-tones, buff and grey tones reflecting many of the materials in the immediate locality.

3. Does a reduction in height make a significant difference if the total number of storeys is still high?

The project team has worked hard in conjunction with officers at Harrow Council to reduce the height of the buildings by either one or two storeys. The result of this reduction has meant that since the November 2022 consultation, there has been a total reduction of 55 homes. Notting Hill Genesis are doing all we can to make the development a respectful development which responds to the ongoing housing crisis and brings investment to the local area.

4. Does the development address the lack of family housing and include three-bedroom social rent homes?

The scheme proposes 177 family homes (which include 2-bed 4-person and three-bedroom homes). All 21 3-bed homes will be social rent.

5. How much will the affordable homes cost?

All of the affordable homes will be delivered in the first phase.  This includes Social Rent and Shared Ownership.

Estimated social rents are:

Apartment type Weekly rent
1 bed £142.18
2 bed £168.85
3 bed £191.96

It is not possible to provide a house price estimate at this stage however the Shared Ownership tenure will be a part buy, part rent type of home ownership that will provide a chance for local people to get on the property ladder and make buying their first home more affordable. Buyers will be able to purchase a minimum of 25% of the home and pay a rent on the rest, this opens up the possibility of home ownership to a range of working households.

6. What is meant by affordable housing?

Affordable housing, which can be for either rent or sale, is for those whose needs are not met by the housing market. Prices for affordable housing are set as a discounted price of the market rate.

7. Why are 504 more units needed if the housing target has already been exceeded?

The project team believes that there is a robust case in favour the delivery of 504 homes at the proposed site and has sought to create the revised proposals in as respectful a way as possible, whilst providing betterments to the area where it can.

In relation to Harrow’s housing targets, Harrow Council has not published a recent monitoring report – the latest report was from 2017-18. However, other third-party reports have identified that Harrow Council was amongst the worst performing London councils in terms of its approval of major residential schemes in comparison to the London Plan target in 2022. Therefore, last year, it can be said that Harrow failed to meet their housing targets by a considerable margin. This proposal goes some way to achieving Harrow’s housing targets and addressing the housing crisis.

Community and Local Concerns

1. Has Alpha Preparatory School been consulted regarding the development?

In addition to being invited to the webinar meeting on 17th May, we can confirm that both Alpha Prep and St Jerome Schools were engaged in the initial stages of consultation and were kept up to date and invited to our previous public consultation events.

2. Are you aware of Harrow Council's stand on high-rise builds?

We understand that Harrow Council has recently finished its consultation on creating a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on the height of buildings which are outside of the Harrow and Wealdstone Opportunity Area. Residents may be aware, however, that this site falls within the Opportunity Area, and is one of the reasons why this area may be considered suitable by the Council. It should also be noted that at the time of submitting the planning application, the SPD has not yet been approved.

3. Are you aware of the community's general opposition to tower blocks and the need for doctors, dentists, school places, and houses?

The need for housing must be weighed against a number of factors, which include the opinions of residents in the local area as well as planning policy. If the planning application is approved by the local planning authority Notting Hill Genesis will have to commit funding as part of the Community Infrastructure Levy, which Harrow Council will distribute to a variety of local services as they see fit. This can include providing increased funding for the nearby schools, GP surgeries, and road improvements.

4. Have considerations about tree roots damaging pavements and buildings been taken into account?

The technical consultant team have conducted a tree survey which will been submitted alongside the planning application. This will provide an assessment about the condition of any nearby trees.

5. Will shared open spaces be protected from vandalism and disturbances?

As part of the planning permission, Notting Hill Genesis will enter into an agreement with Harrow Council which makes Notting Hill Genesis and Tesco responsible for maintaining the public realm within the site. Consultation with the Met police and their Secured by Design review has been undertaken as part of the design development.

6. Have you taken into account the diversity of Harrow and the fact that many residents have English as a second language?

The project team will ensure that this is considered moving forward. Should residents require any material previously issued in any other language, please do email feedback@consultation-online.co.uk and we would be happy to assist.

7. Will ball games be allowed in the small open areas?

Whilst plans for this are not confirmed, the project team will be working throughout the planning process, with the relevant officers at the Council, to assess if it would be suitable to have this type of play space in the new development.

8. Will the proposed development hinder local residents' right to light?

As part of the planning application, Notting Hill Genesis is required to submit a daylight sunlight report, which assesses the daylight and sunlight currently experienced versus that which would be experienced should the development go ahead. Statutory consultees, including Harrow Council’s Environmental Health Officer, will then review the plans and submitted reports, independently assess lighting levels, and will make a judgement about whether the levels of environmental impact, both positive and negative, are acceptable.